Sunday, 1 February 2015

Run Until You Drop - Week 1

February 1st - 1 mile

Walked across Vicky Park to buy a sofa - 1.2 miles / 21:28

Well, here we are, the beginning of 406 miles. 1 down. As I start the month, I'm feeling perfectly fine, no niggles, ready to take on the challenge. Whilst I chose to walk the one lone mile, the longer my legs remain fatigue-free the greater my chances, so there will be no junk miles being run at this early stage.

'Sofa' so good


FATIGUE FACTOR (1 'A walk in the park' - 10 'Send help') = 1

DAILY DISRUPTION (1 'All in my stride' - 10 'Skipping sleep') = 1

February 2nd - 2 miles

Met the girlfriend after work to 'walk' some errands - 2.0 miles / 40:03

Had to walk around in tiny circles like a mad man (to Strava-proof 2 miles) outside the entrance to my apartment block. Ironically I have yet to run a single mile this month.

I'd tune in next week if I were you.

FATIGUE FACTOR (1 'A walk in the park' - 10 'Send help') = 1

DAILY DISRUPTION (1 'All in my stride' - 10 'Skipping sleep') = 1

February 3rd - 3 miles

I actually ran today! On a ruddy treadmill mind - 3.08 miles / 19:55

I'd forgotten just how ghastly a running experience those things offered. The boredom is no big whoop, it's just the copious sweating involved. Had to wring out my pants in the changing room.

Whilst it took me a while to work out the settings (and a bewildering minute to find 'stop') I found the 400m track graphic quite motivating and rather entertaining. What a life I lead.

Ok Computer

Today marked 6 miles in with 400 to go. 

FATIGUE FACTOR (1 'A walk in the park' - 10 'Send help') = 1

DAILY DISRUPTION (1 'All in my stride' - 10 'Skipping sleep') = 1

February 4th - 4 miles

Up and running. Enough to get me home - 5 miles / 35:43

Such was my desire to go for a proper run, I chose to leg it home from work, knowing that I'd now increase my mileage to 407. Under a full moon - lost in part by the city lights - I tried to keep the pace slow, but excitement prevailed. Oh, how we laugh at such petty distance when we are eager to run further. The smirks will be wiped off in a week or two when the challenge becomes just that. A challenge.

Me and my shadow

FATIGUE FACTOR (1 'A walk in the park' - 10 'Send help') = 1

DAILY DISRUPTION (1 'All in my stride' - 10 'Skipping sleep') = 1

February 5th - 5 miles

Same again. Direct dash home - 5 miles / 34:43

Jiminy Cricket, was it cold tonight! I left the office late and got my groove on toot sweet, braving the 1°C air (That's cold for London). I ran the same route as yesterday and another #FMFM (Full Moon Five Miler). 

I never really bargained for the bitter cold. The thought of post-work 20 milers in genitalia-sapping climes gives me the shivers. Man up Norris, or rather don't.

Spot the moon

FATIGUE FACTOR (1 'A walk in the park' - 10 'Send help') = 1

DAILY DISRUPTION (1 'All in my stride' - 10 'Skipping sleep') = 1

February 6th - 6 miles

Tour de sud Hackney - 6.3 miles / 44:58

At the end of a working week, my office space resembles a teenagers bedroom (...well, not quite) what with the clothes I couldn't fit in my running backpack throughout the week and 4 jackets draped over the back of my chair. 'Tis Friday when I lug the bags home and with the weekend ahead I rarely then go out for a run. But this is RUYD, and run I must, 6 miles. 

Tonight, I ran aimlessly up and down the same streets, over bridges, round the park, anything to get the miles in. Get them in I did, and looking forward to the weekend for some daylight mileage.

Running mecca

FATIGUE FACTOR (1 'A walk in the park' - 10 'Send help') = 1

DAILY DISRUPTION (1 'All in my stride' - 10 'Skipping sleep') = 1

February 7th - 7 miles

A couple of loops of Victoria Park - 7.1 miles / 49.04

It was up early for Day 7 being the weekend, and thus allow for a whole day to shake off any fatigue creeping in. A simple run around the park and turn-a-round to guarantee no additional wasted mileage. Even though it's early on, I'm trying to tell myself to slow down the pace, but I'm not complying. I guess I'm more interested in getting the miles in quick, over conserving my legs with a slower pace. It is freezing, and I'm not keen on staying out longer than needs be. 

Like clockwork - must have lost Strava on the turn-a-round?

Whilst week 1 is complete and represents 25% of the month gone, it only accounts for 7% of the mileage. So this really has yet to begin.

How am I feeling? Fine, thank you. Though, I have picked up a couple of aggravations this week, of a cosmetic nature. First was a 'new shoe heel issue' which probably will not 'heal' whilst I keep running each day on it. The second is much more macho. You know that thing that girls do when they wash their hair and wrap it in a towel? Well, I do that too. Problem was on Wednesday morning - running late - I vigorously towel dried my hair and crooked my neck. Schoolboy, Craig. Schoolboy.

Join me tomorrow for the start of Week 2 (on a new blog post). Pray for no further 'injuries'.

FATIGUE FACTOR (1 'A walk in the park' - 10 'Send help') = 2 (see above)

DAILY DISRUPTION (1 'All in my stride' - 10 'Skipping sleep') = 1

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